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History of Reflexology

The exact origin of Reflexology is hard to pin point and may date back as far as 4000BC (China) but it is believed the first recordings were those on the walls of the Ankhamor’s ‘Physician Tomb’ in Egypt (circa 2300 BC).  Whilst Ankhamor was not a Physician himself, one chamber depicts interesting ‘medical’ pictures, in which some show four men working on each other’s hands and feet.  Whilst not called Reflexology at that time this ancient therapy was also used throughout Eastern countries including China, Tibet, Vietnam and Japan.   The ‘Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine,’ written around 1,000BC contains a chapter entitled ‘Examining Foot Method’ and is thought to be one of the first written texts discussing the connection between life force (Qi) and areas on our feet.

In the early 1300s Reflexology arrived in Europe and in 1582 two Doctors – Adamus and A’tais – published a number of papers on ‘Zone Therapy’. It was some time later in 1917, Dr William Fitzgerald wrote about ten vertical zones that extended the length of the body which are reflected in the souls of the feet.  As an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor, Fitzgerald found that by applying pressure to the toes and feet, certain parts of the body could be successfully numbed so that anaesthetic was not necessary in minor operations.  He co-authored a book with Edwin Bowers titled ‘Zone Therapy or Relieving Pain at Home’.

It was Eunice Igham that created the Reflexology that we know today and it was in fact Eunice who named this therapy as Reflexology.  Originally from South Dakota, USA she was working as a physiotherapist in the 1930’s with Dr Joe Shebly Riley who was a colleague of Dr Fitzgerland and who had expanded on Fitzgerland’s ‘Zone Therapy’ work. After using the Zone Therapy Technique she went on further to map the feet and create the Reflexology Mapping system that is still used today. In 1938 she successfully wrote her first book ‘Stories Feet Can Tell’. Practitioners have since advanced her works however her mapping principle still remains the foundation of this amazing therapy. 

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What To Expect After Your Treatment – Possible ‘Healing Crisis’

Most people report feeling well after their session however the more toxic the system the more likely you may experience some healing symptoms.

The Herxheimer Reaction commonly known as a ‘Healing Crisis’ is a short-term detoxification reaction in the body.

After your treatment your body will be releasing toxins. It is therefore advisable to drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine and alcohol after your treatment and where possible don’t do anything too strenuous.

As the body detoxifies, you may experience flu-like symptoms including headaches, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sore lymph nodes, sweating, chills, nausea or other symptoms including runny nose, emotional sensitivity and increased visits to the bathroom.

Please note that many people do not experience a detoxification reaction of any kind.

The more toxic the body is the more significant these reactions can be but please be assured this is a sign that the body is detoxifying and clearing impurities from the system so that the body can rebalance itself.  Please remember that Reflexology will not bring about a new problem in the body however may temporarily increase existing symptoms whilst the body works on balancing itself and clearing out toxins.  If experiencing any of these reactions, as well as drinking plenty of water and avoiding alcohol or caffeine, I generally advise clients to avoid other things for a couple of days that may be stimulating a detoxification process ie certain supplements that may be used for heavy metal detoxification or liver stimulus.  

The good news is that any healing crisis is temporary.  It may start immediately or a day or so later and can last several days. This signifies the healing process in underway and people most often report that once these symptoms have cleared they have a renewed sense of energy and wellbeing.

Please make a note of all symptoms after your treatment and please do not hesitate to call  me if you wish to do so. 


Not everyone has a detoxification reaction and on the whole most people feel an increase in energy and balance in emotions.